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Lack of Smell Tips
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
The good smell or fragrance of a lot of things can bring joy, peace and positivity in a person's life. Some people call it the fragrance or aroma of plants and flowers. But in some cases, the person should be able to differentiate between the smells which can also be a sign of something dangerous like in cases when there is a fire, rotten food, etc. ;
The quality of a person's life can be greatly impacted if he is unable to smell or he is facing difficulty...more
262 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
स्वाद और गंध के नुकसान से हमारा जीवन महत्वपूर्ण रूप से प्रभावित हो सकता है। यह अक्सर खराब पोषण और भूख की कमी का परिणाम है। गंध और स्वाद की कमी के कारण आप अपने भोजन में स्वाद को बेहतर बनाने के लिए बहुत अधिक नमक या चीनी डाल सकते हैं। गंध और स्वाद की भावना एक दूसरे पर निर्भर है। गंध और स्वाद दोनों विकार अक्सर समान स्थितियों या कारकों के परिणाम होते हैं।
गंध और स्वाद का नुकसान साइनस, श्वसन की स्थिति, उम्र बढ़ने, सिर के आघात, दांतों की समस्या जैसे मौखिक संक्रमण, दंत उपकरणों की नियुक्ति (जैसे...more
गंध और स्वाद का नुकसान साइनस, श्वसन की स्थिति, उम्र बढ़ने, सिर के आघात, दांतों की समस्या जैसे मौखिक संक्रमण, दंत उपकरणों की नियुक्ति (जैसे...more
Last Updated: 8 years ago• Featured Tip
During the early growing years, children are prone to a lot of airway problems, including asthma, tonsillitis, and sinusitis. Their immunity is also low, which contributes makes them prone to develop these infections very easily.
Homoeopathy is believed to be a milder form of treatment with minimal side effects and also get rid of the underlying medical condition and also improve their immunity. Read on to know more about these conditions and what products homoeopathy uses.
Homoeopathy is believed to be a milder form of treatment with minimal side effects and also get rid of the underlying medical condition and also improve their immunity. Read on to know more about these conditions and what products homoeopathy uses.
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
MBBS, Diploma in Child Health (DCH), more
What are food allergies?
A food allergy is an abnormal response to a food triggered by the body's immune system. Almost any food can cause an allergy, but there are some common triggers including nuts, milk, eggs, soy, wheat, shellfish and peanuts.
Symptoms of food allergies range from mild reactions such as a skin rash or stomach ache to severe reactions such as anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis causes airways to swell shut and can be life threatening if not treated quickly....more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
MD ( MEDICINE), Post Graduate Diploma more
General Physician•Ambala
Hyperhidrosis can be best defined as a medical condition or disorder in which a person sweats excessively, beyond what is considered normal for regulating body temperature. People with hyperhidrosis can experience excessive sweating in different areas of their bodies, including the palms of their hands, soles of their feet, underarms, face, and other regions. Excessive sweating can occur even when there are no triggers, such as physical activity or high temperatures, and can ...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Anyone will get tired of using a lot of tissues for the medical issues of a runny nose and anyone will want to get rid of this problem as soon as possible. Runny nose is a condition which begins when the mucus present in the nose starts to get discharged and drips out of the nose and this condition starts because of any of the following problems which are flu, allergies, colder outdoor temperatures or cold. You can also notice an inflammation in your nasal tissues that is oug...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
When you start to have a feeling or sensation of picking or scratching at your eyes then you should know that you might be suffering from an itchy eye problem but you should not be worried about this as this condition is a very common problem and the scientific name for this problem is given as ocular pruritus. This common issue of itchy eye problems is generally caused by any kind of dry eye syndrome or because of any kind of allergy. This problem can also occur to your eyel...more
361 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Skin allergy is a disorder in which there is irritation in the skin. Skin allergy is caused due to the hypersensitivity of the immune system. The allergies in the skin are the result of the reaction of the immune system. The result of skin allergy can be itching, rashes, swelling, hives, redness, burning, bumps etc. The symptoms of allergies of the skin are hives, itching, dermatitis, eczema, angioedema, swelling in the lips etc. You should consult the doctor immediately if y...more
450 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Itchy skin is a condition that arises when there are rashes in the skin, redness in the skin and dermatitis. Itching in the body is caused when a chemical known as histamine is released in the body. It is a type of the sensation in the body that leads to the relflex to scratch. The itching in the skin is caused due to the allergies, certain infections, environmental factors, derangements. Itching can also cause the pain in the skin. You should visit sn dermatologist when you suffer fro...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Ayurvedic Doctor•Rupnagar
Have you ever noticed any unusual red spots on your child's skin after they have been playing outside? perhaps your daughter has been sneezing more often since she started petting the neighbor's cat, or your preteen son might have been rubbing his itchy, red eyes after mowing the lawn. ;
If you have observed any of the above mentioned symptoms in your child, it is important to know that they might be related, and there are ways you can help ease your littl...more
275 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Asthma is a chronic lung disease which has affected people of all ages including children. In this disease the muscles of the air tubes get constricted or swollen or excessive mucus production is observed in the airways leading to difficulty in breathing. The particular cause of the disease is not known as many people have it and many don't but doctors say that it may be due to certain genetic factors. Studies show that it has affected more than 3.2 crore people of the world and is mor...more
451 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
1. Dr. Paresh a manore
Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-paresh-a-manore-alternative-medicine-specialist
14 years experience 300 at clinic
He is a highly regarded physician who has successfully managed the treatment of a number of patients whose conditions were quite severe. In addition to his expertise in alternative medicine, he is also a skilled hair transplant surgeon.
Through the indian board...more
199 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
बच्चों को एलर्जी होना इन दिनों आम बात है। आजकल के पर्यावरण और प्रदूषण की वजह से एलर्जी की समस्या में काफी बढ़त भी हुई है। ऐसे में बच्चों की एलर्जी कई बार परेशान कर देती है। कुछ लोग बच्चों को एलर्जी की दवा उससे होने वाले साइड इफेक्ट की वजह से नहीं देना चाहते हैं। ऐसे में वो प्राकृतिक इलाज के विकल्प पर भरोसा करते हैं।
आज हम ऐसे ही विकल्पों पर चर्चा करने वाले हैं:
एप्पल साइडर सिरका
त्वचा और बालों के सौंदर्यीकरण से लेकर वजन घटाने तक कई चीजों के लिए एक सदियों पुराना टॉनिक माना ...more
आज हम ऐसे ही विकल्पों पर चर्चा करने वाले हैं:
एप्पल साइडर सिरका
त्वचा और बालों के सौंदर्यीकरण से लेकर वजन घटाने तक कई चीजों के लिए एक सदियों पुराना टॉनिक माना ...more
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